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“Come to Me all who are Weary”

My passion is sharing about the love of the Lord. I would be doing a disservice to the people I seek to reach if I failed to talk about that actual love. I share stories of people who love Him and know they are loved by Him. Majority of the stories I have shared so far have been testimonies of how the Lord has shown up in the lives of people who have been following Him for a long time. 

I have recently had several conversations with people I care about who are anti-church or organized religion. So many people have been hurt by “leaders” in the church, pastors, minsters, or just people who call themselves Christians or believers. Here’s the deal… Those people are human. You were not hurt by the Lord. You were not hurt by the love of Jesus. People kinda suck, that’s just the truth. Pastors having affairs, ministers lying, leadership embezzlement. There are churches and religions who made you feel like being a Christian was all about rules and regulations, instead of relationship. All those things happen when humans forget to follow the Lord before themselves. 

I have such a hard time when someone turns away from the Lord because of something a human did. Human nature is sinful and self-serving. When you judge the Lord and His goodness based on people, you will always be disappointed. That is not who He is. People make mistakes, God does not. The love that He has for you, as an individual, is full, pure, and complete. He is so passionate about pursuing you, but He is waiting for the invitation. 

Maybe you have been hurt by someone in the church, even if it was just a friend you found out talked about you behind your back. Maybe it was someone who didn’t make you feel as accepted and loved as you needed. I apologize on their behalf. I know I have unwittingly been that person at times. I know I have messed up as a friend, leader, wife, mother, and Christian. I also know that my mistakes do not define how much I am loved by Jesus. Jesus died for me, knowing how much I’d mess up. He died for you, knowing all that would bring you to this point. 

When you allow His love to chase after you, you will experience something you never have before. His love is unconditional. It will change you, and He does ask you to change how you live your life. He wants you to have an abundant, full life, experiencing His grace and mercy. He will never force anything on you, but once you really experience that love and understand it, you will want to move forward in becoming a better you. You will no longer want to live your life one way during the week and differently for the 2 hours you’re at church. 

I challenge you today to ask Him to chase you. Ask Him to show you the depth of His love. When you invite Him in, He will show you how He delights in you. You reading this right now. He loves you and delights in you. He sees you. He knows you fully. He sees how weary you are. He knows what is making you weary, or has caused you to think He can’t possibly still see you as His favorite. 

This world is weary. Our hearts are all heavy-laden for so many reasons. We are all carrying burdens that we never expected. Matthew 11:28-30 in the New Living Translation states, “Then Jesus said, “Come to me, all of you who are weary and carry heavy burdens, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you. Let me teach you, because I am humble and gentle at heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy to bear, and the burden I give you is light.” When I read that, I don’t see Him saying, “Come to me if you love me.” He didn’t say, “Come to me if you’ve never been hurt,” or “come to me if you’ve never hurt anyone.” He said “come to me ALL WHO ARE WEARY.” You know who that is? That’s every single person on this planet right now. He is not an exclusionary guy. He is an all-encompassing, loving Father who wants to comfort and hold and love you. 

If you want to talk more about any of this, or you want to develop a personal relationship with the Lord, please don’t hesitate to reach out to me on any of my socials, or email! 

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